The Bible is the inspired Word of God. We affirm verbal plenary inspiration of Scripture, meaning that while human authors wrote down the books of the Bible using their own styles, language, and perspectives; each and every word was prompted, guided, and inspired by God. Therefore the Bible is completely reliable, and totally without error in the original manuscripts.
The New Testament is the final authoritative rule for Christian faith and practice.
We believe in one God that exists in three distinct persons. We affirm the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each a distinct person, yet each fully God. God is sovereign in all His creation, including all providence and the salvation of man.
As the second member of the godhead, Jesus is both fully God and yet fully man. He came to earth, lived a holy and sinless life, performed miracles, and ultimately willingly died as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of those whom the Father gave to Him. We affirm his bodily death, resurrection, and ascension. He is our Lord and King, and is due all honor and worship.
All humanity is born spiritually dead. We are all children of Adam, and inherent Adam’s fallen nature. This means that every human is born with a sin nature, in rebellion against God. No one has the natural will to seek or serve God.
No one can earn or deserve salvation. Salvation is entirely a gift of God’s free grace. God requires man to repent of his sins, and commit himself by faith to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Salvation, once received, cannot be lost. All true believers will persevere in the faith and in a godly lifestyle.
- To exalt the God of grace
- To humble the pride of man
- To promote genuine holiness
- To serve the Sovereign King
- To grow in Christian love